Silverline Prestige School, previously known as Silver Line School, was established on 4th February 1987 with a vision to provide “Education Beyond Tomorrow.” The Founder, Dr Mala Kapoor grew up in the town of Ghaziabad and often wondered about why affluent families sent their children to Delhi for quality education. Under the guidance of her mother Mrs Santosh Oberoi (Retd. Headmistress DPS Ghaziabad), Dr Kapoor started Silver Line School with 16 students and 1 educator.
The school gained unprecedented popularity and within a year had to enhance its capacity to accommodate 100 students. The pedagogy of “Learning by doing” was an innovative method of teaching children. Dr Kapoor won a National Award by NCERT for her innovative teaching practices in 1991.
In 1990, the school established its second primary branch in Kavinagar.
The third branch was established in 2000 in Bulandshhr road. The Senior Secondary Branch is a product of two distinguished personalities, Dr Kapoor and Dr Subhash Jain, joining hands for the betterment of education in their beloved town.